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How to renew tax credits

2024 business resolutions

 You usually need to renew your tax credits once a year. You should receive your renewal pack by 30 June. If you haven’t got your pack, call the Tax Credit Helpline.

You can’t renew your tax credits until you get your renewal pack. If you claimed tax credits after 6 April, your renewal pack is usually sent the following year.

Renewal deadline

The deadline is usually 31 July unless your renewal pack gives you a different deadline.

If you miss the deadline your tax credits payments will stop. You’ll be sent a statement and will have to pay back the tax credits you’ve been given since 6 April.

Your payments will start again and will be backdated to 6 April if you send your renewal within 30 days of getting the statement. You’ll usually need to make a new claim if you don’t respond within 30 days of getting the statement.

Renew your tax credits

You can renew your tax credits online. The Tax Credit Office will send you an award notice within 8 weeks of receiving your renewal, telling you how much you’ll get.

Automatic renewal

If you only get a form with the code ‘TC 603 R’ your tax credits will be renewed automatically. Check the form carefully to make sure your details are correct. You can use the online service to report: any mistakes on your form and any changes in your circumstances.

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